Hemp Seed : The superfood.
As evidenced by the hempseeds discovered in tombs dating back to the third century before Christ in China, where roasted hempseed could still be purchased on the street as snacks, hemp has been an important source of nourishment for people for millennia. Although hempseeds are the most widely consumed part of plant for the purpose of food, hemp leaves, sprouts, and flowers can also be eaten raw by making juices and salads. The real seed, an achene, matures 3–6 weeks after the female flower is fertilised and is protected by a thin, hard pericarp. Hempseeds include roughly more than one-fourth protein, one-third unsaturated fats and offer 500–600 Kcal per 100 g of the product, with some notable variances among varieties. Although hemp seeds are derived from the cannabis plant, they do not contain any of the cannabinoids like THC or CBD that have psychoactive properties. The absence of regulations and concerns about its legality have prevented its widespread use in India and across the world in recent times. However, due to its superior nutrition properties, ample availability, and the potential to be a huge source of income for the farmers FSSAI has recognized hemp seeds as an ingredient and as a food in November 2021 opening up the acceptance of the Indian market towards hemp
What are hemp seeds made of?
Numerous chemicals with possible biological action have been discovered thanks to the enormous research that has made Cannabis the most researched plant in human history. A 30 gram serving (three-tablespoons) of raw hemp seeds contains:
- Calories: 166
- Protein: 9.5 grams
- Fat: 14.6 grams
- Carbohydrates: 2.6 grams
- Fiber: 1.2 grams
- Sugar: 0.45 grams including more than
Wholesome fats
Omega-3 fatty acids are among the healthy fats that are crucial for a person’s general health. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the three major Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA). Concentrated ALA is found in hemp seeds and oils, which are derived from plants. The National Institutes of Health estimate that adult men need about 1.6 grams (g) of ALA daily, but women only need 1.1 g. 2.6 g of ALA are present in 30 g of hemp seeds, or about 3 tablespoons (tbsp).
Phytosterols, which are found in hemp seeds, assist in lowering blood cholesterol levels by preventing the buildup of fat in the arteries.
Protein supply
Hemp seeds are a great source of protein and include all 9 essential amino acids. As a result, hemp seeds and foods containing hemp seeds are a suitable source of protein, especially for those who follow a vegan or a vegetarian diet. Hemp seeds have more than 30 g of protein per 100 g.
30 g of hemp seeds contain 210 mg of magnesium, making hemp a fantastic source of the mineral. Magnesium is necessary for several bodily processes, such as protein and fatty acid production and food processing. Additionally, it promotes neuromuscular activation, transmission, and muscle relaxation.
Magnesium deficiency can be linked to osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, insulin resistance, and coronary artery disease in elderly populations.
Additional health advantages of hemp seed-based foods Can Fight Anxiety and Depression
One of the most prevalent mental illnesses in the world is depression. Sadness, sluggishness, and a general lack of enthusiasm in life are symptoms. Constant worry and jitteriness are characteristics of anxiety, another prevalent illness.
It’s interesting to note that studies show regular omega-3 consumers are less prone to experience depression. Additionally, the symptoms of despair and anxiety are reduced in persons who start taking omega-3 supplements. ALA, EPA, and DHA are the three different kinds of omega-3 fatty acids. EPA seems to be the most effective at battling depression of the three. In one of the trials, EPA was just as good at treating depression as a typical antidepressant medication.
Increases heart health
Omega-3 fatty acids are thought by the medical profession to enhance heart health and lower the risk of problems like arrhythmias and heart disease. The seeds are also rich in arginine, an amino acid that is converted to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is necessary for artery and vein dilatation and supports the smooth and elastic function of blood vessel walls.
Lessens inflammation
Inflammation can be decreased thanks to hemp seeds’ high omega-3 content and their beneficial omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. Additionally, gamma linolenic acid (GLA), a polyunsaturated fatty acid that may also have anti-inflammatory properties, is abundant in hemp seeds.
Hemp seed based foods
Hemp seeds can be used as a key ingredient to prepare commercial food items such burgers, tea, coffee, shakes, sauces, dips, cake, salads, bread, pasta, muffins, and ice cream Its versatility enables the food industry to make the traditional commercial food much more protein rich, healthy and nutritious. The superfood is thus bound to be one of the important levers in the expansion of the health & nutrition FMCG industry in India
As of today, the major hempseed products available in the Global and Indian markets are hemp seeds themselves sold in loose, hemp flour, and hemp seed oil. The acceptance is still relatively low among the general population as hemp has a peculiar strong nutty and earthy taste However, as the market matures further and with huge investments in R&D to make efficacious and delicious hemp foods, there will soon be an array of products available for the consumers.
At Hemptyful, we wish to be part of and accelerate this journey where Hemp can potentially reach each and every household in the future. Through rigorous research and experimentation, we have arrived at a delicious range of hemp seed spreads & dips that are truly one of a kind.