Why Hemp Hearts Are More Versatile Than Raw Hemp Seeds

Why Hemp Hearts Are More Versatile Than Raw Hemp Seeds

Hemp hearts, are obtained by removing the hard outer shell of hemp seeds. The terms hemp heart and hemp seed are used interchangeably, but there are a few important differences.
Hemp seeds are small nuts with a crispy shell and a soft core. Hulled hemp seeds, also known as & quot;hemp hearts,& quot; are those that have had their outer shell removed, leaving the soft, chewy centre that is versatile and simple to use.

Raw Hemp seeds

Raw Hemp seeds, which are obtained from mature hemp plants, contain more dietary fibre than hemp hearts as most of the fibre is present in the outer shell. Hemp seeds can be eaten whole or ground into powder. They have a nutty flavour similar to sunflower seeds and therefore can be eaten raw or toasted. De- fatted raw hemp seeds result in a fibre and protein rich powder that can be used as an ingredient in dough making, baking etc., to boost the fibre and protein content, and can also be consumed directly by mixing into milk or water. However, due to its deeply nutty and slightly bitter taste, not everyone may prefer the taste and consume it regularly. The same powder can also be an ingredient for protein extraction to make hemp protein concentrates or hemp protein isolates. Research however has indicated that protein can be easily extracted and is more bioavailable from defatted hulled hemp seeds (or hemp hearts) rather than defatted raw hemp seeds.

Hemp Hearts

Hemp hearts have all the nutritional properties of raw hemp seeds, except for the carbohydrates and the dietary fibre that are predominantly found in the outer shells. Thus, in terms of percentages, hemp hearts have a higher amount of protein and oil as compared to raw hemp seeds. Hemp hearts are considered a complete source of protein because they contain all 20 amino acids, 9 of which are essential and two of which are semi-essential. These amino acids are not produced by our body itself. In fact, hemp hearts contain the most edestin protein of any food in the world. Edestin is a highly active, digestible form of active protein that promotes nutrient absorption.

The Versatility of Hemp Hearts

Hemp hearts are rich in omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, fibre, protein, iron, zinc and B vitamins. They have a better texture and a more appealing or neutral taste as compared to raw seeds which makes them much more versatile. They can be sprinkled over salads or added to soups and stews. They can be substituted for flour or breadcrumbs in any recipe calling for these ingredients. They also work well as a flour substitute in baked goods such as cookies or cakes. At Hemptyful, we make all our hemp butters from hemp hearts for optimum health and deliciousness!
Defatted hemp hearts can be ground to powder to make protein rich flour. This flour can be used as a key ingredient in a plethora of applications to boost the protein content along with the added benefits of omegas. Protein extraction is easier and the extracted protein is more bioavailable and digestible by the human gut making it a key raw material to make hemp protein concentrates and isolates which can disrupt the protein industry. Hemp hearts are undoubtedly a powerhouse of nutrients; they are one of the best superfoods in the world, so reap the benefits with Hemptyful today!

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